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Elden Ring player beeps Malenia to death with Morse code

The Elden Ring Morse code build is clearly the most potent in FromSoft's sprawling RPG, at least when it comes to mocking Elon Musk on Twitter.

Elden Ring Malenia Morse code: the queen of rot herself with red hair and golden armor

Elden Ring is a big scary game with big scary bosses. At the pinnacle of FromSoft’s dark fantasy epic stands Malenia, Blade of Miqella – a title you’ll have probably heard about a billion times as you’ve been repeatedly goomba stomped by the flashy swordswoman. No? Just me? It must be a journalist thing… Anyway, it turns out that there are players out there who are pretty proficient at murdering Malenia in creative ways on PS5 and Xbox, and now one streamer has posted a clip obliterating using the power of Morse code after being heckled on socials by Elon Musk – we’re not joking.