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XDefiant will take on COD’s Search & Destroy with “1-life bomb mode”

XDefiant will add a dash of Call of Duty to its playlists, as Ubisoft's Mark Rubin confirms a Search and Destroy style is mode is coming.

XDefiant Search and Destroy: An image of a Cleaner in XDefiant and the Search and Destory logo from Call of Duty.

Despite XDefiant encountering its fair share of technical hiccups during launch weekend, the Ubisoft shooter is getting off to a promising start. With six different game modes available at launch, PS5 and Xbox players can start looking forward to some fresh additions, including the debut of a Call of Duty style mode: Search and Destroy.

As more players dive into Ubisoft’s FPS game, many of them are taking to social media to ask executive producer Mark Rubin about what’s next for XDefiant. Now, Rubin confirms that the studio is working on implementing a mode akin to Call of Duty‘s Search and Destroy: “We have a 1-life bomb mode coming. TBD when.” While Rubin’s social media post is very brief, the prospect of this mode could be an awesome way to utilize all the versatile XDefiant classes.

Search and Destroy is often regarded as one of the classic playlists in the COD pantheon, and for good reason. It’s the ultimate test of your skills and trying to outwith your opponent with no revives, no respawns, or any kind of survival on the cards. Once you’re eliminated in the round, you’ll need to mull over your choices in the multiplayer game‘s spectator screen. With so many gadgets and ways to use the XDefiant meta to your advantage already, this “1-life bomb mode” could see some pretty tasty battles unfold.

XDefiant search and destroy: An image of Ubisoft's Mark Rubin on social media.

It is also the type of game mode currently missing from XDefiant, as the game’s currently playlists revolve around controlling objectives, collecting bounties, and Ranked play. The notion of introducing Search and Destroy inspired modes into shooters is a popular one right now, as Embark Studios recently did the same with The FinalsTerminal Attack mode.

Despite the comparisons to Call of Duty series, Rubin is adamant that the two franchises can share the same space without competition. In our chat with Rubin last year, he told us about XDefiant’s approach to avoiding the ‘Call of Duty killer‘ moniker, as well as creating XDefiant maps that players “wouldn’t expect” to see in this type of game. He also revealed how the game’s lack of a story is one of its greatest strengths.

In other gaming news, you can still hop into the first XDefiant Double XP weekend right now, and a fix for hit registration is coming soon to set your bullets straight.

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